Camulos Academy
Bringing Learning to Life
Please read and follow the information below on our curriculum. Parents and the public can find out more about our curriculum by contacting the school by telephone or email
The Camulos Curriculum has been designed to embrace our strapline ‘Bringing Learning to Life.’ This describes the learnt knowledge and skills needed for this stage of life and beyond but also how learning can be brought to life through exciting lessons, clubs, trips, visits, events, assemblies, and other opportunities.
Our curriculum also develops in children an understanding of different cultures, traditions, and societies as well as to respect individual rights and responsibilities.
Our Learning Powers are threaded through all aspects of school life so that these key attributes of being resilient, reflective, independent, creative, collaborative, and good communicators are well understood and articulated by the children and adults. These learning powers have been in place for several years.
We teach our pupils that making links helps them remember more and we do this in every lesson, every day. Our curriculum has horizontally sequenced links which build on knowledge lesson by lesson and across subjects when revisited. We have vertical links which build on knowledge year on year and then diagonal links which thread concepts and ideas across all year groups and subjects such as sustainability, equality, and diversity.
We are committed to inclusion, believing that every child has the right to succeed. We take responsibility to ensure that any barriers to learning are overcome and that learning is scaffolded and adapted to ensure that all pupils have access to the same curriculum intentions whenever possible.
Reading is highly valued at Camulos and outcomes are good. We use the Read-Write-Inc scheme daily to teach early reading. Once pupils have completed the programme, they experience regular reading lessons which focus on higher level skills using the Reading Vipers. Pupils also then move on to the Accelerated Reader Programme. We value high quality texts and want children to experience a wide variety of literature to maximise their cultural capital.
The explicit modelling and teaching of vocabulary is a key aspect of all lessons. Tiered vocabulary demonstrates how the expectation broadens as pupils progress through the school. Pupils contribute well in lessons and demonstrate the use of this expanding vocabulary well.
The curriculum also ensures that great emphasis is placed on developing the whole child through PHSE and RSE lessons, assemblies, a well-being strategy and extra-curricular trips and visits. Pupils know how to keep themselves safe. Pupils show compassion in their ability to empathise with others whose experience may differ to their own and fully appreciate the importance of British Values including tolerance and respect. We take deliberate action to develop pupils’ character. Pupils value the importance of environmental issues and an established School Eco-Council meet regularly to take part in activities and maintain our Eco-Schools Green Flag Award. Our School Council teaches democracy and every year group have a half termly topic for debate with meaningful links made to current learning where appropriate.
Please have a good look around this page to see some of the learning that has been brought to life across the school.
We have more visuals explaining how we teach our curriculum coming to this page soon!
Camulos Academy Curriculum
What does your child learn at school each day? At Camulos we pride ourselves on having an enriched curriculum that links topic ideas across a range of subjects. Below you will find documents for each year group for the upcoming year.
Phonics at Camulos Academy
In Early Years and Key Stage 1 we use a program called 'Read Write Inc.' to support the children's reading and progress them to a point where they move onto the Accelerated Reader program.
In Key Stage 2 all children who completed RWI in Key Stage 1 are on the Accelerated Reader program. For more information on this, click the link below.