Camulos Academy
Bringing Learning to Life
School uniform is as follows:
The children are also allowed to wear a purple summer dress with white socks/ tights and black/ dark grey shorts for the summer term.
For PE your child should have:
We try to get outside as much as possible for PE, so could your child please also have a black tracksuit and trainers for when the weather is cooler.
In addition to the above, could your Children please also have a purple Camulos book bag and we would also recommend that your children have a water bottle.
Please ensure that no extreme hairstyles are worn at school and that any jewellery is kept to a minimum for safety reasons. This should be a watch and small stud earrings which are less likely to get caught and still need removing for P.E. There are some exceptions for religious reasons.
Pupils should not wear nail varnish or make-up and will be asked to remove it.
Uniform is available to purchase from Anglia Sports and Schoolwear:
The ESSEX UNIFORM EXCHANGE has been set up to help alleviate the pressure on parents by assisting with the cost of school uniform that can be accessed by a request through FOODBANK (and other partners) or direct through our email address
Given that January is a tough month financially for a lot of people we will also be able to offer as an official partner to Colchester Foodbank, foodbank vouchers. This will also work in reverse as Colchester Foodbank will be to process a request from them to us for uniform.
Whilst we will aim to meet all the requests as best as we can, our stock is reliant on donations. Also, ideally, we would ask that when applying for uniform if you have any old uniform that is to small that it be donated but this is not a requirement.
Our other partners and how they link in with the uniform project will be added below. For more information on Essex Uniform Exchange or on the great work done by Colchester Foodbank you can click on the following links.
Colchester Foodbank
Essex Uniform Exchange