
Camulos Academy

Bringing Learning to Life

Juno Class

Mersea Trip Information

Meet the Teacher Slides

Annnnnnndddddddd we're back!


Hi everyone,


Juno have had a lovely first full week back! They have settled in well and really thrown themselves into all the new learning this week. It's been great to see them all thoroughly engaged and wanting to share their information with the class. Find a selection of photo's from our first week back below. :)

Sewing our appliques


Juno class - Autumn term

Remembrance day


Christmas Show 2022

Welcome back Juno class!

Autumn 1 Spellings

Year 2

Welcome to Juno's class page. Here you will find out information regarding your children's learning for this year. If there are any worries or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

We love a good treasure hunt in Year 2...although Miss Pickard can't keep up!

World music day 2021

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Juno class loved Tahir playing flamenco music to them.

Forest school time

We worked on our communication skills in PE. We worked as a team and focused on supporting each other to complete the tasks.

In Juno, we explored the history of schooling. We were fortunate enough to have two guests zoom call us. The first was, Mrs jones, who explained her experience of schools from 70 years ago. We then spoke with Mrs Frith-Sly who explained the history of Camulos Academy.

Today we explored our local area for our next piece of writing a 'house sale advertisement'. We used persuasive language, comparative language and adjectives.

Some black history month art pieces

Hello yellow day in Juno

Marshmallows and spaghetti!

For design and technology we used spaghetti and marshmallows to create bridges. It was lots of fun but not as fun as Miss Pickard had cleaning it all up after school!!

Castle and shield drawings

The children got enthusiastic about their new topic but creating some shields and drawings of castles.

Tunnelling animals

The children investigated tunnelling animals in science. We explored the school grounds to see what animals we could find and what tunnels they were digging. We then went on to investigate by they dig tunnels. We created an investigation fact file full of facts all about Rabbits and why they create tunnels. 

Live webinar @ 7pm tonight! (09.04.20)

For all you space fans out there! Tonight there will be a live webinar at 7pm with real NASA astronaut Tony Antonelli. It has been created through the UK scheme ‘Pint of Science’. The link is:

The boys were very pleased with their teamwork keeping the structure up!

Sports relief day! We got out our PE kits and got active! We kicked off the day explaining what Sports relief is all about. Then we got active with Joe wicks and did a quick HIIT workout. After we cooled down our bodies and focused on our yoga. To end the day we did a lap around the playground with year 3 helping us.

For science week we have been focusing on predicting. Next week we will investigate these materials!

Sapphire and Lillie-Mai with their science fair projects!

We had a variety of activities on world book day. We read to each other and th year 6s came down and read to us. We made bookmarks and our own book covers for our stories.

On world book day we had a special visit from Miss South. She came in to see Juno in their amazing outfits.

In Juno this is how we say morning! We either 'high five' or 'hug' or ' dance' or 'say it'

Wind socks!! We made wind socks and then investigated their uses.

Juno enjoyed Maths day this February! They had lots of practical activities to consolidate their maths learning so far this year.

Dinosaur immersion day - The children went on a dinosaur hunt in the forest to immerse themselves in their new topic...

We have been researching all about dinosaurs and finding lots of different facts!!

We have been fossil making!

For Rememberance day we made poppy wreaths

Enchanted woodland immersion day in the forest!

Welcome Juno class to Year 1! Juno have already enjoyed playing in the new year 1 outside area.

Welcome to Year 1 Juno class

Time to say farewell to our class butterflies 🦋 The children have loved watching them grow and change 🐛 We even wrote them some letters to send them on their way ❤️

Today we investigated different containers to home Finley the fish 🐟 Children measured how many cups it took to fill each one and find the best home for Finley. The children chose the container which had the most capacity.

Over the past few weeks we’ve carried out a number of different investigations which involve working collaboratively. We have had to use high order thinking skills and team work to solve different problems such as sharing equally, understanding properties of shape and even physics! I think these children are going to fly in year one ☺️ 

Little pig, little pig, let me in!

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Children were challenged to design a stick house that would stop the big bad wolf blowing it down.


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Getting ready for Year 1

Welcome to Juno's class page, check in frequently to keep up to date with all the fun and interesting things we have been learning.
We recently invited parents to a maths morning session. Parents watched how we teach and how the children engage in the independent activities. Parents told me they "loved it!"

Some of our small world tuff spot activities we've had out to spark their imaginations.
