
Camulos Academy

Bringing Learning to Life

Home Learning Preparation in Response to School Closure

School Closure


As a response to the School Closure that will begin from Monday, I wanted to inform you of our plans to support you with educating your children at home.


  • All year groups have prepared an initial two weeks' worth of daily lessons for their classes.
  • These include daily Maths, English and Topic/Science lessons, plus key skills work such as spelling and times tables.
  • These are available in both Paper and Electronic versions. Each child will be issues with a workbook to complete their tasks. Workbooks must to collected before the end of the school day on the Friday 20th March.
  • Office staff have gone through Arbor to check that every family has at least one functioning email address, but these activities will mainly be uploaded to class pages.
  • In addition to this we have links to various online learning platforms, you can view these through your child's class page or on the designated Home Learning page under 'children' on the menu.
  • Teachers can email documents and information directly to parents via Arbor but will also be regularly posting and updating their class pages on the website.


Kind Regards


Lisa Frith-Sly 




Home Learning Links


For those unable to access the documents posted about the Home Learning Links, these are posted down below. It is hoped these links will support your child's learning during this time away from school. Some of these would usually be a paid service or subscription however most sites have waived their fees or introduced a free pass. If you are looking for your child's class learning packs, please see their class pages.



As a school we also have a subscription to Espresso Online Learning Portal, this has a huge amount of videos, activities, online games and includes the Coding package that we use in school to teach ICT. Full unit plans, lesson plans, worksheets and printable activities are all available alongside online games, activities, videos and tablet friendly units.


Username: student71035      Password: discovery


To use the Twinl free month offer simply go to and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS


As a school we also offer parents the National Online Safety Hub, this can be accessed through the link below and contains lesson packs, activities and CPD for online learning and safety.


Simply enter your details and select 'parent' to access.
